Walk or cycle down any city street and your eyes, nose and lungs will, perhaps, give you a better indication of pollution than statistics. Diesel and petrol engine pollution is a problem that concerns everyone and is a priority for government legislation.
Calls from environmental pressure groups and the public are on the increase. By the end of the year 2000 Emission Standard Euro III will bring even stricter legislation into force than the limits already set by Euro I and II
As the Minister for Transport warned recently "We can improve the quality of life and reduce the health hazards from road traffic in the UK by using clean fuelled vehicles. Its an option which is available to us all, and I would encourage all private and public sector operators to look seriously at these vehicles and the role they play..."
A vehicle running on Autogas will comfortably pass all present and anticipated future legislation. The initial cost of installation can be quickly recouped, and in terms of customer goodwill the affects are considerable. The evidence for Autogas as a clean fuel are shown here.
Driving an LPG vehicle is safe, easy and, best of all, much cheaper than petrol.