We are continually endeavouring to improve the web site and make it easier to use. It has been designed using the guidelines published by the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) and the RNIB.
The guidelines include:
- Using meaningful ALT text for all images to provide descriptive text.
- Using descriptive hyperlink text.
- Avoiding the use of frames, which are difficult for special browsers to interpret.
- Providing navigational short cuts for users of text-only browsers and page readers.
- Using an easy-to-see web colour scheme.
- Using an easy-to-read font type, size and colour.
- Navigation.
Making web sites easy to use is more than just colour and fonts. The content should be easy-to-read and easy-to-navigate, taking into consideration those people who use speech readers.
Our main navigation options have been assigned keyboard access keys for users who do not use pointing devices (such as a mouse).
All hyperlinks to external web sites open in new windows. - We have chosen to do this after a number of complaints from our visitors regarding external web sites opening in the same window. Since implementing this policy we have received no complaints regarding external sites opening in new windows. Certain information pages also open as new windows usually appearing like a 'pop-up' but all of these pages have close buttons to facilitate returning to the main site.
Most of the pages on this web site are optimised to print portrait on A4 paper from Internet Explorer 6 and are, therefore, all printer friendly. The pages will print out legible, on the default settings, from Internet Explorer 7 and most other browsers but some pictures may not print in full. If you are using other browsers than IE6 and are experiencing print problems you should be able to adjust the browser print settings to correct these from the print preview screen.
From time to time there are some publications reproduced in PDF format on this site. If you, or someone you know, cannot understand or read these publications, please contact us and we will endeavour to arrange for an alternative media format. This cannot always be guaranteed as the publications are often produced by other organisations.
If you cannot access any of our publications you will need to download a free copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Changing the way you view our site
The whole site is written in scaleable text and if you are having difficulty reading any part of it you can alter the size of the text displayed by changing the option in your Internet browser.
To enlarge text
On the browser menu select "view"
Click "text size"
Choose the size of textIf this is not immediately effective do the following:
On the browser Tools menu select "Internet Options"
On the General tab, select "Accessibility"
Tick the "Ignore font sizes specified on web pages" check box
Click on "OK"
Keyboard Access Keys
Instead of using your mouse to navigate the site, the main sections of the site can be accessed by pressing the Alt key plus the access key below and then Enter. This applies to Windows Users. Mac users should press Ctrl plus the access key.
Access Keys used on this site
- 1. Home
- 2. News
- 3. About Autogas
- 4. Conversion
- 5. Costs
- 6. Frequently Asked Questions
- 7. Environment
- 8. Contact Us
- A. Accessibility
Pictures are an essential part of a site such as ours and all pictures in the main part of the site carry Alternate text descriptions and in most cases enlarge to full screen size when clicked upon, for the benefit of those who find the smaller pictures difficult to see, but the larger images do not contain Alternate text descriptions. The exception to this is those pictures which are not of sufficiently good quality to benefit from a full screen image.
In the Gallery section of the web site thumbnails can be increased to full screen size but none carry alternate text descriptions as they are not intended to be informative or add value to any text or information on the site. Whilst we regret that partially or blind visitors may not be able to appreciate them we do not feel this is a reason for excluding them from the site.
Known browser support
This web site has been designed and built to conform to the W3C consortium guidelines and it will operate with any browser technology that similarly conforms. This includes all the major internet browsers.
We are very open to suggestions for improvements to the web site and in particular comments on any part of it that people find difficult to access. Please send any comments or suggestions you might have to the e-mail address on our contact page webmaster
From time to time new content will be added to the web site. In the event of any pages being registered as non-compliant, please let us know and the changes will be made.